You Can Camp On Water With This Floating Tent
I can't help but think that whoever came up with this was inspired by the movie "The Parent Trap".
Campgrounds are closed to campers thanks to COVID-19. However, that doesn't mean that you still can't go camping. A company named DAMA has created a tent that floats on water. How's this for social distancing?
I can remember getting some of my best sleep on those old school water beds, so I think I might actually enjoy this. If you get sea sick, this might not be ideal for your next camping trip. However, I am all in!
The DAMA Water Tent is made by an inflatable yoga mat and waterproof tent. The product description says that the tent is spacious enough to sleep four people comfortable. The tent also comes with to oars so that you can paddle to various areas on the water. If you're smart, you'd make the kids do the paddling while you fish through the opening of the tent.
Judging by the photos of the tent, it doesn't seem too difficult to set up either.
Personally, I would only take this tent on waters that I am familiar with. For example, around the Evansville area, I would take it to one of the lakes Bluegrass Fish and Wildlife Area. I highly doubt that I would want to put it in the Ohio River, but that's just me.
Want to find out more about the DAMA Water Tent? Check it out below:

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