Want a Bacon-Scented Face Mask? One Company Is Giving Them Away!
Wouldn't it be nice to at least smell something other than your bad breath under that mask? Hormel has created a face mask that smells like bacon, and they are giving them away! Do I have your attention now?
It's called The Hormel Black Label Breathable Bacon. It's a mask with bacon strips all over it, and yes, it smells just like the bacon that covers the mask. They say, "Using the latest in bacon-smell technology and irresistibly breathable, 2-ply fabric, finally, bacony-bliss can be with you always — even while out in public."
The mask also has adjustable ear loops which will fit anyone, keeping it's aroma locked inside for you alone to enjoy. Oh, and it comes in a package that looks just like a package of Hormel bacon that you would find at the store.
Here's the cool thing: If you love bacon but you're trying to watch your weight, this mask is perfect for you. It smells just like the scrumptious aroma of bacon and it serves no nutritional value. The Hormel Black Label Breathable Bacon is calorie, carb, sodium, and fat free. How can you go wrong with that? Then again, it is a mask. Which reminds me, while it smells just like bacon, please resist the urge to eat it. Again, it's a mask!
I'm just curious as to how long this scent will last in the mask. Can I soak it in bacon grease to replenish its scent when it starts to wear off? Or does that go against CDC recommendations? Either way, the mask is worth getting your hands on!
Now through October 28, fans can visit www.BreathableBacon.com and enter for a chance to receive a free, limited-edition package of Breathable Bacon while supplies last. Bacon lovers, don't miss out on your chance to take that bacony goodness with you everywhere you go. They'll announce the winners on November 4th, so go ahead and sign up now.