You're invited to a night of entertainment and more during the Evansville Police Foundation's annual Policeman's Ball on Saturday, September 23rd at the Bally's Riverfront Events Center (formally Hooiser's Lounge). Proceeds from the gala are used to provide services, training, and equipment to the men and women of the force to help them do their jobs as effectively and safely as possible.

You may be thinking, "Wait a minute, doesn't the city fund the department? That's what my tax dollars are for, right?" The answer is, "yes" to both questions. However, the department puts together a budget each year. That budget includes day-to-day operating costs, employee payroll, benefits, supplies, etc., etc. It will also include a variety of things the department would like to have for the upcoming year. That budget is submitted to the City Council which pours over it and makes the final decision on what will remain and what won't be based on the amount of tax income and other revenue the City expects to bring in over the upcoming fiscal year. Keep in mind, the City has several departments that are also submitting budgets and asking for things they'd like to have. Ultimately, a few of those wish-list items hit the cutting room floor, leaving the department looking for an alternative way to get the funds they need to turn those wishes into realities.

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Evansville Police Foundation Works to Fill the Gaps

That's where the Evansville Police Foundation comes in. The non-profit group is comprised of EPD officers and members of the community who volunteer their time to the cause through fundraising events such as the Ball and the annual SWAT Challenge 5K in May, among others. Proceeds from previous Policeman's Balls have been used to cover the cost of feed, care, and training for the Department's Mounted Patrol Unit, while funds used from last year's event were used to purchase hooligan tools for the SWAT Team. The hybrid sledgehammer/ax/prybar is used by the officers to enter a structure quickly during an emergency or dangerous situation.

What the proceeds from this year's event will be used for is still being determined by the planning committee.

2023 Evansville Police Foundation Policeman's Ball Theme

Each year's event is given a theme. Previous themes included a Country-Western Night, and last year's theme was 80's Prom with guests breaking out their neon-colored clothing and teasing their hair with more Aquanet than is probably allowed by law.

Ryan O'Bryan
Ryan O'Bryan

The theme for this year's event is, "A Night at the Movies" and all attendees are encouraged to dress in Hollywood-style, red-carpet attire.

2023 Evansville Police Foundation Policeman's Ball Ticket Information

The event is open to the general public with tickets on sale now for $80 per person through the Evansville Police Foundation website. The evening will feature dinner, drinks, dancing, silent and live auctions, along with a presentation of awards to officers and community members who have gone above and beyond to make the city of Evansville a better place to live.

The Foundation is also looking for individuals and businesses interested in sponsoring the event with the sponsorship fee going toward the evening's total amount raised. More information on how your business can become a sponsor can be found here.

[Source Evansville Police Foundation]

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