Thrift Stores Are Very Popular Now-Have You Found a Big Bargain?
Second hand stores seem to be everywhere. They are more popular than ever. It's a multi BILLION dollar business. It is estimated that one out of every six people will shop at a pre-owned store in 2020. They are frequented my many millennials because of recycling and vintage items.
What used to be called "used" stores now have many names: thrift stores, re-sale shops, consignment stores, consumer malls, bargain attics, bargain basements and a lot of others.
Many of these shops are run by charities. Here in the Tri-state, we have several Goodwill locations ( a 501c3 nonprofit organization) plus there's The Evansville Rescue Mission on Washington, Happy Tails resale next to to the Humane Society, Mother Theresa Treasures in Newburg, St Vincent DePaul on Walnut, World Wide Missions on Congress Ave., and several more that are not charities but deal in pre-owned merchandise.
In that category would be consignment shops like Kim's, Molly's, Traderbakers, Seek and Find and many others.
Is there anything you would NOT feel comfortable buying at a thrift shop? I would not buy something I couldn't clean--like a used mattress. I don't think I would be comfortable buying used bedding, socks or certainly not underwear. I don't think I would buy a used helmet for a motorcycle or bike. Personal care items like combs, razors or toothbrushes are also taboo. I have seen a few resale stores outside of our tri-state area that sell expired food. I'm not sure about that. Granola bars might be OK.
I have found some great items at thrift shops. I have bought picture frames, books, records, golf clubs, desks, chairs, lamps, a vacuum cleaner, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember.
Thrift stores are very popular these days and you can find almost anything someone else owned first. Are there other local places that specialize in pre-owned items that we need to know about? Is there anything you wouldn't buy at a resale store? Please give us your thoughts below.
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