
7 Bizarre Things You Can Get at Walmart in Illinois
7 Bizarre Things You Can Get at Walmart in Illinois
7 Bizarre Things You Can Get at Walmart in Illinois
I think it's safe to say considering my history that I'm really not the person who should be labeling things as "strange". However, an argument could be made that I'm the perfect person to be the crown prince of odd. That's why I was very pleased to learn that Illinois Walmart stores are full of items that are downright bizarre.
Strange New Anti-Obesity Video Campaign – Is It Going Too Far Or Not Far Enough? You Decide [Video]
Strange New Anti-Obesity Video Campaign – Is It Going Too Far Or Not Far Enough? You Decide [Video]
Strange New Anti-Obesity Video Campaign – Is It Going Too Far Or Not Far Enough? You Decide [Video]
Obesity is one of THE most talked about topics today and everyone has an opinion. There have been many public service campaigns about obesity, some that get a lot of attention for various reasons, and some that get almost no attention. A new video campaign is raising more than a few eyebrows and some say it goes too far.