Imagine if this had happened in the middle of an actual soccer match. Video shows the moment when a soccer field suddenly had a sinkhole open up right in the middle of it.
We are still about six months away from the start of the World Cup, but ESPN shows the soccer highlights every night on Sportscenter. I am not a soccer fan and just can't get into it, but I know I am in a growing minority because soccer is really catching on here in the U.S.
Soccer is a very popular sport here in the U.S., but nowhere near as popular as it is in Europe. We have some great soccer teams right here in the Tri-State, like the Memorial high school girl's soccer program for instance. Personally, I am not a huge soccer fan and have a hard time watching it because of the complete lack of scoring.
We're having a bit of an 'America's Funniest Home Videos' day here. First there was the incredibly painful faceplant compilation, and now we've got this kid getting smacked right in the face with a soccer ball by his dad.
David Beckham might NOT be the hottest guy on the soccer field. I know, I know, I'm crazy to EVEN type such a thing. But have you seen Cristiano Ronaldo?
A soccer player in Venezuela identified as Anderson Fredrick missed a surefire goal from about four yards away when instead of just tapping in the gimme goal, he decided to roar back and blast it like a missile, sending the ball above the crossbar and viewers around the world into hysterics.
Two videos featuring unusual trick plays have been making the Internet rounds this week.
In the first, a high school soccer team in Arkansas fools their opponents by having two players feign a collision, then using that distraction to set up an easy goal.