
Crazy Snowball Prank [VIDEO]
Crazy Snowball Prank [VIDEO]
Crazy Snowball Prank [VIDEO]
I LOVE a good snowball fight! But ONLY if I have a bunch of snowballs too. It seems like I am always ambushed by my kids and husband as I come around the corner of the house. LOL After watching this snowball prank video, they better watch out. My inner prankster is about to come out! Bwwahhahaha!
Gotta Get the Bread and Milk [VIDEO]
Gotta Get the Bread and Milk [VIDEO]
Gotta Get the Bread and Milk [VIDEO]
Living in the Midwest, we are prepared for anything. We can be at 70 degrees and sunny when we wake up, then by 7 pm we are at 33 degrees and preparing for 6 inches of snow. It's crazy, but we are used to the insanity. Even though we are used to it, we still go crazy and head to Walmart for bread and milk.
Watch The Seasons Change In A Minute [VIDEO]
Watch The Seasons Change In A Minute [VIDEO]
Watch The Seasons Change In A Minute [VIDEO]
After living in Florida for a year, I really began to appreiciate the changing of the seasons. Growing up in the Midwest, I expect to play in the snow in the winter, watch football -sitting on bleachers  while drinking hot chocolate while wrapped in a blanket in the fall, smell the flowers blooming in the Spring and sweat my butt off in the Summer. The beauty of the seasons is undeniable and I fee
Send Your Sad Pictures Of Melting Snowmen [PHOTOS]
Send Your Sad Pictures Of Melting Snowmen [PHOTOS]
Send Your Sad Pictures Of Melting Snowmen [PHOTOS]
Last week we got the perfect snow.  It was just wet enough, just deep enough, and the temperature was just warm enough to make the coolest snowmen and snow creations in years.  A week and a half later, rising temps have those poor snow dudes wasting away.  So, let's see the pictures of your poor Frosty's dripping into a sad pool of their former selves.
Winter Weather Advisory
Winter Weather Advisory
Winter Weather Advisory
Winter Weather Advisory in effect from noon Monday to 6 am CST Tuesday That National Weather Service in Paducah, KY - The National Weather Service in Paducah has issued a Winter Weather Advisory for snow, sleet and freezing precipitation which is in effect from noon Monday to 6 am CST Tuesday.