Katie Sterling of Owensboro, KY, loves her "not-so-serious" decor. That's exceptionally true in her bathroom, where guests are greeted with hilarious images of celebrities in the restroom.
All kids are different, and so are the states that they live in when it comes to the age that it's okay to leave a kid home by themselves. Here in Illinois...well, let's put it this way: Kevin McAllister's parents in the movie Home Alone would probably be in an Illinois jail for leaving him behind when they went to Paris.
Did you know you don't have to travel on an airplane to go to Paris? You don't even have to drive very far! OK, so maybe it isn't Paris, FRANCE, but it does share the city name and has one iconic landmark in common.
With the Paris terrorist attacks over, many Americans are wanting to know if their family, friends, and loved ones are safe. One such group from Owensboro is in Paris, the Golden Partners senior citizen group. They are affiliated with the Owensboro HealthPark.
This passenger used the empty seat next to him to record the entire 11-hour flight from S.F. to Paris using time lapse photography. The whole trip was condensed into just 2 minutes and the video is very cool.