A strange Kentucky law regarding baby chicks, ducklings, and rabbits is also a necessary one. There are things you'd think you wouldn't have to tell people.
This is one law that I would never want to see enforced. A bizarre Illinois law allegedly requires women to call bachelors a name that will disturb many.
I do not tell my wife what to do as that would not end well. However, there is a weird Missouri law that does tell women what to do and I'm pretty sure that most of the females I know in the state would not be pleased.
There was quite a bit of legislative activity in Illinois this week. Several bills were just signed into law and they cover a variety of issues involving food, technology and labor.
Indiana's new law, SB 17, causes controversy over age verification on adult websites. It also caused us to find one of the best "corn" sites on the internet!
Monday is the beginning of a new week and a new month and for the state of Illinois the beginning of 4 new laws that go into effect including legislation that affects child influencers, driver's licenses and immigrants.