You have have seen this kid featured in literally hundreds of memes on the internet for several years now. The picture, in addition to being incredibly cute, just captures a raw emotion that we can all relate to.
I don't think a day goes by that someone doesn't ask themself that very question. Some times being online can be overwhelming and sometimes just down right exasperating. I know I have said many times that if I could just disappear from the internet, I would. Turns out, you can, but it can be difficult.
Cheerios has a brand new commercial featuring an interracial couple and their daughter that has prompted internet racists to react in a way that YouTube was forced to shut down it's comments section because of the ugly, vile things being said.
Dysart's Restaurant in Bangor, Maine wanted to do a local TV commercial. Oh sure, they could have hired professional actors to play the parts, but they wanted something a little more real that was an accurate reflection of their clientele so, they hired a local elderly couple to star in the commercial.
The modern day internet was born 20 years ago in 1992 and created by Tim Berners-Lee. The first photo posted on the World Wide Web was nothing special at all when it was posted on July 18, 1992. It's the backstory of the photo that is very interesting because it has a direct tie-in to CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear Research that has been in the news lately for it's possible discovery