The gorgeous and iconic home from the beloved Holiday classic is on the market! It's been updated over the years. I wonder if the scary furnace is still in the basement?
Have you been looking for a glamorous Illinois mansion? Do you also happen to be fond of the movie "Home Alone"? If so, your dream of a lifetime is now possible as the Winnetka, Illinois home that Kevin made famous is now available and it's a show-stopper.
All kids are different, and so are the states that they live in when it comes to the age that it's okay to leave a kid home by themselves. Here in Illinois...well, let's put it this way: Kevin McAllister's parents in the movie Home Alone would probably be in an Illinois jail for leaving him behind when they went to Paris.
If you were asked to go to great lengths to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your home as safe as possible, would you? Because without a doubt I would.
You may have seen it pointed out that Kevin McCallister's parents in the movie Home Alone (set here in Illinois) would have been looking at serious trouble for leaving an 8 year old to knock around that fabulous house all by himself.
As someone old enough to remember seeing the movie Home Alone in the theater, I recall as we exited the theater overhearing a woman say to her husband "If you and I did something like that, and left a kid behind at home, we'd be going to jail!"