Illinois Officially Has One of the Worst Small Towns in AmericaIllinois Officially Has One of the Worst Small Towns in AmericaOne small town in Illinois has just been declared one of the worst in America.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
10 Illinois Places You Dare Not Enter at Night or Else10 Illinois Places You Dare Not Enter at Night or ElseIf you consider yourself someone who enjoys the nightlife, you no doubt want to adventure into the cities in Illinois that never sleep. However, there are 10 that you really should avoid entering as they become extra dangerous after dark.Doc HollidayDoc Holliday
Wild Video of what people find magnet fishing in East St. LouisWild Video of what people find magnet fishing in East St. LouisIf there is one place to take a magnet and go fishing for crazy items in a pond it is East St. Louis, check out what these magnet fishers find! Mark HespenMark Hespen