
Leslie Puts the Love For Her Children To Music
Leslie Puts the Love For Her Children To Music
Leslie Puts the Love For Her Children To Music
I have been blessed with 3 amazing, beautiful children and have also been blessed with a wonderful, beautiful 'bonus' daughter. I still find it hard to believe that God would trust ME, with all my weaknesses and mistakes, to care for these precious souls. Being their mother is a job I was in NO WAY prepared for but the best job I have have ever had with daily rewards that are utterly priceless.  
Leslie Expresses Love for Her Kids Through Music
Leslie Expresses Love for Her Kids Through Music
Leslie Expresses Love for Her Kids Through Music
Today is Mother's Day and mothers all over the country are receiving gifts. But for most mothers, like me, it's not about the gifts or cards we get but the memories our children have given to us over the years. Some of my most precious memories involve music.