
New ATM Will Also Dispense One and Five Dollar Bills
New ATM Will Also Dispense One and Five Dollar Bills
New ATM Will Also Dispense One and Five Dollar Bills
You need cash and search for the nearest ATM to get your problem, right? Well, what if you only need $15? You can't do that because most ATMs only dispense $20 bills. In a somewhat surprising move to make life a little easier for customers, both Chase and PNC banks are putting out hundreds of ATMs that will also dispense $1,$5 and $10 bills.
You Find $1800 Sticking Out Of An ATM….What Would You Do? [Poll]
You Find $1800 Sticking Out Of An ATM….What Would You Do? [Poll]
You Find $1800 Sticking Out Of An ATM….What Would You Do? [Poll]
We live in challenging economic times and trying to make ends meet is very difficult for a lot of us right now. Sometimes buying groceries for your family or paying the electric bill in the dead of winter can be very difficult and people are sometimes motivated to do what they can or what they feel they need to do in order to get what they need, but how far would you go?
Snakes In An ATM – True Story [Video]
Snakes In An ATM – True Story [Video]
Snakes In An ATM – True Story [Video]
This video is just plain creepy. Do you like or mind snakes? If not, this video won't phase you one way or the other, but if you fear snakes this will send a shiver up your spine. Imagine going to the ATM to get a little cash and when the slot opens, you reach for the cash only to find a snake in strike position looking right at you!!