Registration Now Open for Bright Lights For Easter Seals 5K!
Bright Lights for Easter Seals is a 5k that will take place throughout Ritzy's Fantasy of Lights, to raise money for Easter Seals! Get yourself registered!
Mark your calendars for November 29! That's the evening run/walk 5k to raise money through Easter Seals. During the 5k Ritzys Fantasy of Lights will be shut down to vehicles, and only open for runners/walkers of the 5k! So you can have a chance to really see up close and personal the lights!
Here's all the info according to the Bright Lights event page:
"Bright Lights for Easterseals" is set for Nov. 29, 2017! On that evening, Ritzy's Fantasy of Lights in Evansville's Garvin Park will be closed to vehicles & open for walkers & runners ONLY to enjoy the dazzling light displays! The 5K run & fast walk will begin at 5:45pm & the Community 1-Mile Walk will begin at 6:15pm. For a $20 entry fee, the first 100 to register for the race will receive a long-sleeved T-shirt and the next 250 registered will receive a short-sleeved T-shirt, guaranteed for race participants only. (Cost $5 for ages 2 & up.) Awards will be given to the top finishers (details announced later). All paid 5K participants will be allowed to walk the 1-mile at no charge. A $5 donation will be accepted for all walkers (age 2 & above) participating in the 1-mile. Wheelchairs, strollers & wagons are welcomed in the 1-mile walk, but NOT allowed for the 5K due to safety reasons. NO dogs or other pets will be allowed to participate due to safety & sanitary reasons. Register now for "Bright Lights for Easterseals" at https://register.chronotrack.com/r/31836. To volunteer or for questions, contact Rhonda Trail, 812-598-4879 or rhonda_trail@yahoo.com.
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