Painting For Dogs to Benefit It Takes a Village on August 19!
You'll get a fun painting to create and take home, and you'll get to help out the dogs of It Takes a Village Canine Rescue!
Painting with a Twist in Evansville is a fun place to go and show off your artistic skills (or lack there of, it's okay, every skill level is able to make a beautiful piece of art with them)! On august 19, they're having a Painting for Dogs event!
The cost is $35/person, but over 70% of your money goes to the dogs of It Takes a Village!
You definitely want to be sure to reserve your spot, you can do so by clicking here!
Here's what ITV has to say about the event on the Facebook event page
Painting to help ITV dogs - pawsome!! Please join us on Saturday, August 19 at 6 pm for a DIY painting class. The cost is $35 per person and it is open to people of all ages! 70% of your fee will be donated to ITV (as long as we have 15 people there)!! This is a great time for inexperienced painters to have some fun while helping homeless dogs! Drinks, including wine, can be ordered during the class. Reserved your spot on the Painting With A Twist Evansville website at https://www.paintingwithatwist.com/events/viewevent.aspx?eventID=997361
Painting With A Twist is located on E Virginia Street between Burkhardt and Green River road, on the same strip as Lollipop Tree and opposite to Play it again Sports.
Arrive 10-15 minutes early to get uncorked and in your seat! If you desire more time, you may arrive up to 30 minutes early; it's your Happy Half Hour!
FOOD AND BEVERAGES: You are welcome to bring in any food and non alcoholic drink to enjoy during class. Please do not bring your own alchohol, we can sell wine and beer. We will card everyone before serving.
Please call if you have any questions 812-817-0646 or e-mail PWAT at studio136@paintingwithatwist.com
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