45 Years Ago Our Own Big Bill Love Was First DJ to Streak
The streaking craze hit America big time in the 1970's. It seems to have begun on college campuses as a prank. Students would strip naked and run across campus. The movement spread to sporting events where streakers would interrupt the game by jogging across the playing field. Serious streakers even interrupted the Montreal Olympics and hit a peak in 1974 when a naked gentleman streaked the live TV broadcast of the Academy Awards.
Of course popular music mirrored the craze. The biggest tune about streaking came out in 1974--Ray Stevens' classic "The Streak" which reached #3 on the country charts.
Of course some crazy DJ had to jump on the bandwagon and streak somewhere. Why not on the air? Well, that's what happened. Here's the story from Big Bill Love himself:
I was the morning DJ on WKLO in Louisville in 1974 which was at the height of the streaking craziness. Our studio was in a glass store front window right downtown on Walnut Street (now Muhammad Ali Blvd.) with thousands of people heading to work passing by me. I was safely sequestered behind a control board and desk which showed only from my waist up. When local TV station WHAS showed up to cover this craziness I had a handy bathrobe to jump into. We made the national news and the front cover of "The Programmer's Digest".
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