Mystery Dinner Theatre To Benefit St. Jude Happening Saturday
Our friends at Epsilon Sigma Alpha International sorority, who so graciously volunteer their time to answer phones during our annual St. Jude Radiothon each year, are hosting their annual Mystery Dinner to benefit the kids at St. Jude this Saturday night!
This event is a ton of fun and features a few familiar faces from around the Tri-State acting out a hilarious murder mystery play while you enjoy a great meal, and bid on a variety of silent auction items.
Previous "actors" include myself and Leslie, Ron Rhodes, Wayne Hart, attorney Gayle Gerling, and Mayor Lloyd Winnecke.
The play is broken down into three acts and the actors don't know their lines until they are given the script while on stage. At the end of the performance, you'll have the chance to take a guess as to who you think the murderer is, with a $200 cash prize on the line if you guess correctly!
For more information, or reserve your tickets, call Linda at 812-477-7627.