One of the biggest things I've been working on in the last year is improving myself, I want to live a healthy active, lifestyle, my main goal is to lose weight, but it's also turned into a goal of overall fitness. I spend a lot of time in the gym, and I surprised myself last night!

This is my face when I'm not holding 250lbs (Melissa/WKDQ)
This is my face when I'm not holding 250lbs (Melissa/WKDQ)

My favorite thing I've gotten into recently is Powerlifting. Dave was shocked when he learned about me powerlifting.  For a long time my PR (personal record) for deadlifting was 225lbs, but last night I made a 25lbs PR and deadlifted 250lbs! I was so excited!

I had a friend video me doing it so I could watch my form, and while I was super worn out by the time we recorded this, I still got the lift! Because I was tired, my from is a little off, and lets be honest no one looks attractive deadlifting haha! Okay a lot of people look attractive deadlifting, but I'm not one of them.  So I almost didn't post the video, because poor form, weird faces, and weight belts give you the weirdest shape, but I was so proud of myself I decided I'd go ahead and post it anyways haha.  So last night I deadlifted 250lbs, which is still a teeny baby weight for experienced powerlifters, but I'm about 5 months in, so I'm still new, and this was exciting for me!

Just in the short time I've been Powerlifting I've met some great people and made some really good friends.   I've got a lot of goals, and I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store!!

Hitched it a little, but I hit a new deadlift PR tonight! 250lbs! Now to work on making it to the 300 club! #Goals

A video posted by Melissa⚡ (@melissaawesome09) on


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