Meet Melissa The New Morning Show Co-Host on WKDQ!
Get to know Melissa a little bit!

A Familiar Voice
Hey, Melissa here! If you've been a long-time listener of WKDQ, you may remember me from a few years ago. Something about me, is I am a lover of all music, I grew up on country music (come on, is there anything better than 90s country?), but I also love me some rock n' roll! So for the past few years, I was holding down the Afternoon Drive on our sister station 103 GBF. While leaving GBF is bittersweet, I'm so incredibly excited to wake up early and co-host the Q Crew Morning Show with Ryan!
While I know that following Leslie Morgan on the mic means I've got quite the big shoes to fill, she is one of my biggest cheerleaders, and actually encouraged me to apply for this job. Even after she's retired from radio, she still continues to be my fairy godmother, and I hope I make her proud behind the mic! Love you Leslie!!
Some Things About Me
You may have seen Ryan's article with a few clues as to who I am, and thanks to those clues MANY guessed correctly who the new morning show co-host is (spoiler alert, it's me). He was right, I DO wear mostly black unless I'm rocking a Cubs shirt, and then it's Cubby blue.
In fact, I've been to Wrigleyville a few times, but I've never been to Wrigley Field, until last weekend, I got to freeze my butt off in the stands of Wrigley Field during opening weekend. It was the most incredible, and cold experience, but finally seeing the inside of the friendly confines was one of the coolest things I've ever done, and I cannot WAIT to go back! Below is a photo of my husband (his name is Sam BTW) and I last weekend:
The last hint that Ryan gave is the most important thing in my life, my son. A lot has changed since I was last on WKDQ in 2018. Back in 2021 my husband and I welcomed our first child, our son Riley into the world. Being Riley's mom is hands down the greatest honor of my life. He's 18 months old now, and getting into the toddler stage which is both fun and exhausting.
A few other things about me, I'm a big fan of horror and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I'm a sucker for a good book, and sometimes you can find me at the gym powerlifting. I was a competitive powerlifter before I got pregnant with Riley, and while I'd like to compete again one day, balancing life with a baby and a full-time job has made training a bit of a struggle, but stepping back onto the powerlifting platform is on my goal list for 2023, so let's see if it happens!
I'm really looking forward to this new adventure on WKDQ, and I really appreciate you taking the time to tune in and listen.
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