Is it Illegal to Drive Under the Speed Limit in Indiana?
We all know the risks and consequences of driving over the speed limit in Indiana, but what about those who tend to drive under the speed limit? Let's find out.
It never fails, you are on your way to work, or some sort of event that you are crunched on time for and you end up getting stuck behind a slow poke on the road. I'm not talking about someone going the speed limit while you are trying to travel over the speed limit. I am referring to those drivers who, for whatever reason, are driving below the posted speed limit. It can be annoying at times, especially when you are driving behind them on a two-lane road where you can't pass. It has happened to me countless times, and I often wonder if it is illegal to travel under the posted speed limit.

Is it Illegal to Drive Under the Speed Limit in Indiana?
The answer to this question is sort of a "yes" and "no" scenario. While it isn't technically illegal to drive under the speed limit in Indiana, you could still receive a ticket in certain situations. Indiana passed the “Slow Poke” laws specifically designed for reducing car accidents caused by slow driving. The laws went into effect on July 1, 2015. According to Crossen Law Firm, here's what these laws entail:
<ul><li><a href="https://codes.findlaw.com/in/title-9-motor-vehicles/in-code-sect-9-21-5-7.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><b>Ind. Code 9-21-5-7</b></a><b>: </b>This law discusses how a driver should operate their vehicle on a two-lane road, where each direction of traffic is only designated one lane. Drivers are not allowed to drive at a slow speed that blocks the normal flow of traffic unless there are poor weather conditions or if they’re in a construction or school zone. If you’re blocking three vehicles and it’s illegal for them to pass, you are required to pull over so that they resume the proper speed limit. Failing to pull over to allow others to pass will result in a Class C infraction.</li><li><a href="https://codes.findlaw.com/in/title-9-motor-vehicles/in-code-sect-9-21-5-8.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><b>Ind. Code 9-21-5-8</b></a><b>:</b> This law preceded the 2015 “Slow Poke” laws and states that the Indiana Department of Transportation can set minimum speeds for highways.</li><li><a href="https://codes.findlaw.com/in/title-9-motor-vehicles/in-code-sect-9-21-5-8-5.html#:~:text=(a)%20A%20person%20may%20not,(35)%20miles%20per%20hour." target="_blank" rel="noopener"><b>Ind. Code 9-21-5-8.5</b></a><b>: </b>Those driving “low speed” vehicles, like a golf car or moped, are not allowed to drive on a highway that’s over 35 miles per hour. The consequence is a Class C infraction.</li><li><a href="https://codes.findlaw.com/in/title-9-motor-vehicles/in-code-sect-9-21-5-9.html#:~:text=(a)%20A%20vehicle%20that%20travels,traffic%20on%20the%20interstate%20highways." target="_blank" rel="noopener"><b>Ind. Code 9-21-5-9</b></a><b>: </b>This law states that when driving on a four-lane road, slower vehicles are required to drive in the right lane. If you’re driving under the speed limit, you must move over to the right lane. There are certain exceptions including if there’s inclement weather, if you’re driving in a school or construction zone, if you’re slowing down to pay a toll, if you’re taking an exit on the left, or if there’s a traffic jam. Additionally, maintenance and emergency vehicles are exempt. Like with 9-21-5-7 and 9-21-5-8.5, violators will be guilty of a Class C infraction.</li></ul>
In case you were wondering what a fine might be for a Class C Infraction, it could cost you up to $500. So, if you are a slow driver, just remember these three things to avoid a ticket:
- Pull over if you’re blocking more than three cars that cannot pass.
- Stay in the right lane when driving under the speed limit on a four-lane road.
- Move over if someone is behind you in the left lane.
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