Do Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois Residents Believe in Soulmates?
Soulmates. You hear the word all the time. But, is it really a thing? Can you really have a true soulmate? Or, is it just wishful thinking? A hope that the one you love is the only one for you.

What is the true definition of a soulmate?
For me, it's that someone you feel like you've known before. It's a deep connection that makes you feel like they are your forever, your shelter, the home for your soul.
Merriam-Wester Dictionary defines soul make like this,
soul mate • \SOHL-MAYT\ • noun. 1: a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament 2: a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs. Examples: They have been best friends and soul mates for nearly two decades.
Does a soulmate have to be a lover?
I've always felt like a soulmate is also your partner, spouse, and lover. But, I think it's more about connection than lust or passion. Technically, you can have those things with anybody.
Life Hack explains it like this,
They both deserve nothing but the best. I feel soulmates aren't necessarily lovers, they come in all shapes and forms. Soulmates show up in your life to shake it up, to teach you something important, and to help you grow. The bond you share is deeper than words could ever explain.
How do residents of the Tristate think about the existence of soulmates?
We asked you and here is what you had to say.
Are soulmates real?
Looks like the Tristate is mixed in their views on the validity of a soulmate. So, what do experts like Tony Robbins have to say,
The truth is that it's not important whether soulmates are real or not. What really matters is whether you believe soulmates are real. Your beliefs create your world – and if you believe that soulmates are real, that will affect how you go about looking for love, building relationships, and more
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