Last weekend, my parents came in to Evansville to visit.  They're from Philadelphia and they don't get to come out here very often.  This is always very stressful for me because I always want to show anybody that's going to take the time to come and visit a good time.  I also like to take them to experience very "Tri-Statey" things.  They've been here several times before, and they've done a lot of the big things.  They've been to Holiday World, they've been to Mesker Park Zoo.  We've done the Holiday Drive-In in Reo.  We've hit the local mini-golf courses and arcades like GattiTown.  I've even showed them the marginal beauty that is New Harmony.  While I was really excited my folks were coming to town, I had LITERALLY no idea what to do with these people!


So I asked the audience for any idea of stuff that we could do while they were in town, and the one idea that KEPT coming up was taking them to Owensboro...  Yes, THAT Owensboro!  Everybody kept telling me that they've been pouring a lot of money into their riverfront and their downtown area.  I was a little cold on the idea at first, but so many kept suggesting it that I decided it would be a good idea.  Heck, even Ron Rhodes told me to go there!


Honestly, prior to last Friday, I had only been to Owensboro barely a handful of times.  Every once in a while we would have a business meeting at our radio stations out there.  Once we had a Christmas party at, like, some arts and crafts place in Owensboro.  And a few a weeks ago I had a broadcast at a grand opening of a Burger King, but that was really about the only extent of my time in Owensboro.


On Friday, the three of us and my fiance piled into the car and we went and explored downtown Owensboro.  And, oh my gosh, if you haven't seen their riverfront lately you have GOT to check it out!  Here are some of the pictures we took from Owensboro's downtown district!


(All photos: The Rob Hirschbuhl)


Downtown Owensboro

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