How I Found a Way to Vote in Evansville in Five Minutes
Have you seen the photos of folks waiting in line for an hour or more to vote in Evansville? I drove by the McCollough branch of the library on Washington Avenue at 3:00PM on Tuesday afternoon and it looked like a ticket line for Garth Brooks at Roberts Stadium.in 1998. Folks were lined up all around the building so I headed for the downtown Central library on the corner of Martin Luther King Blvd and Chestnut. And guess what: the line looked like this:
Wait! There is NO LINE. This can't be right. I was sure I had gotten in the wrong entrance or at the wrong time. I checked the sign on the door again:
Well, I was in the correct place at the right time so I ventured on in and to my amazement, I was the only voter. It took me five minutes from the time I pulled up in an almost empty parking lot to when I was back at my car. Please check the dates and times on the sign above and save yourself a long wait. You'll even get this nifty little sticker like I did:
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