Guns and Hoses 11 Date Announced!
Mark your calendars, Guns and Hoses 11 will be here before we know it!
Guns and Hoses is an awesome local event that's been going on for 11 years now! All money raised goes to great local charities! Cops and firefighters get in the ring and duke it out, and it's all for charity!
Guns and Hoses 11 will be taking place at the Ford Center on April 7th!
Here's what they had to say on the Guns and Hoses event page:
The 11th Anniversary of 911 Gives Hope Guns and Hoses event is just around the corner.
Mark your calendars now for Guns and Hoses XI which will take place on April 7th 2018 at the Ford Center. Police Officers and Firefighters battle it out in the ring for 3 rounds of intense boxing action. All the money raised goes to some great causes right here in the Tri-State.
This is one event you won't want to miss. The Guns Team has tied the series 5 to 5. Which team has what it takes to break the tie. Find out on April 7th at the Ford Center.
For more information check out 911giveshope.com
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