Friday Night at the Forum Film Series Returns to USI This Friday Evening [VIDEO]
The weekly series begins with a free showing of the Disney Nature film, Wings of Life.
Taking place in Forum Building on the USI campus (map below, click for larger view), and put on by the College of Liberal Arts, Friday night's showing is open to the public, meaning you don't need to be a student to attend, and will be shown digitally, with stadium seating, digital surround sound, and in its original languages and aspect ratios.
Narrated by Meryl Streep, Wings of Life gives an intimate and unprecedented look at butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, bats, and flowers, while discussing their importance on the world as whole as a third of the world's food supply depends on these incredible -- and increasingly threatened -- creatures.
Show time Friday night is 7:30pm.
For a complete list of films on tap this Fall, visit the official Friday Night in the Forum Film Series Facebook page.