Evansville Rescue Mission in Need of Money and Peas for Annual Food Drive
No, that's not a typo in the headline. I know it sounds weird, but these two very specific requests will help the Evansville Rescue Mission provide Thanksgiving meals to families facing food insecurity during their upcoming Gobbler Gathering Food Drive.
Evansville Rescue Mission Gobbler Gathering Set for Tuesday, November 22nd
For over 90 years, the annual Gobbler Gathering Food Drive gives Tri-State families who are struggling to put food on the table the opportunity to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal by providing all the necessary ingredients to make it happen. Each 70-pound box will contain a turkey along with sides and other necessities they'll need to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast like the rest of us. Each box contains enough food to feed a family of four for three days, according to President and CEO Tracy Gorman. The food in the boxes comes from people like me and you who donate non-perishable food items along with monetary donations the Rescue Mission then uses to purchase turkeys and other food items.

Due to the continued after-effects of the pandemic and the current state of inflation causing a rise in costs for nearly everything, more people find themselves facing food insecurity, including some who have never dealt with it before. Because of the growing need, the Rescue Mission decided to increase the number of boxes it will distribute from 1,500 to 2,000 which Gorman says will feed approximately 8,000 Tri-State residents in need.
Of course, increasing the goal means increasing the need for donations. With the clock ticking closer to the Tuesday event, the staff is hoping the public will chip in and help them meet that goal.
According to a post on his personal Facebook page, which I'm unable to share here due to the privacy settings on the post being set to "Friends Only," Gorman says they are, "running low on the finances necessary for the additional 500 turkeys we purchased," and that they are need of peas, "LOTS OF PEAS."
How You Can Help Fill Boxes for the Gobbler Gathering
If you'd like a monetary donation, you can do so through the Rescue Mission website, while the canned peas can be dropped off at either the Rescue Mission's main campus on Walnut Street in downtown Evansville or at their new Thrift Store in Washington Square Mall no later than Monday.
[Source: ERM President Tracy Gorman on Facebook]
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