Evansville Central Dispatch Currently Hiring 911 Operators
It seems that everyone is hiring these days from restaurants and retail outlets to everything in between, there are plenty of jobs out there to be had. That includes a few where your ability to stay calm and think quickly could save someone's life.
Evansville Central Dispatch in Need of 911 Operators
Evansville-Vanderburgh Central Dispatch is looking to add more 911 operators to its roster specifically for second and third shifts. According to a post on the department's Facebook page, the position offers a "fast-paced job with good benefits." If you have a desire to help those who find themselves in an emergency situation, but don't have the ability to become a police officer, firefighter, or EMT, this would be the perfect opportunity to be an extremely important part of the process as you would serve as essentially the first, first responder; the person responsible for gathering the information and directing the other agencies on where to go and what they'll be dealing with once they get there.
Central Dispatch Job Responsibilities
The main responsibility would be to field incoming calls for residents who feel they need assistance from the police department, fire department, or a medical technician. Of course, some of those residents could be in a panic when they call, so it will be important that you have the ability to remain calm in order to provide them with the help they need. Other responsibilities, according to the Evansville city website include "prioritizing complaints," as well as, "data entry and records maintenance."
How to Apply for an Operator Job with Evansville Central Dispatch
Applications can be submitted online through the City's website. Be sure to select, Central Dispatch (2) Telecommunicators, from the drop-down menu before filling out the required information.
[Source: Evansville-Vanderburgh Central Dispatch on Facebook]