City of Henderson Cancels 2020 Halloween Extravaganza
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of several events to help prevent the spread of the virus in our area. It's a list that now includes the annual Halloween Extravaganza in downtown Henderson.
According to the City of Henderson website, the Parks & Recreation Department, who organizes the event each year, has made the decision to cancel this year's event, scheduled for October 25th, "out of an abundance of caution" after a recent rise in COVID-19 cases in the area. Organizers also noted the recently released Halloween guidelines from the Kentucky Department of Health that classifies "trunk-or-treat" style events, like the Halloween Extravaganza, as high risk for potentially spreading the virus as a factor in their decision.
The cancellation isn't the only thing different about this year's Halloween celebration in Henderson. The Henderson Rotaract and Downtown Henderson Partnership will not host the annual trick-or-treating of downtown businesses either. However, they are leaving the decision to offer treats to customers up to each individual business.
Despite the fact it sounds like Halloween is completely cancelled in Henderson, that's not the case. The Parks Department and Henderson Rotary Club are teaming up to replace this year's Halloween Extravaganza by turning the employee parking lot at Field & Main Bank on North Main Street into a drive-in theater with a showing of the popular Halloween family movie, Hocus Pocus. Admission is free, however due to the limited space available in the parking lot, you must reserve a spot in advance through the Downtown Henderson Partnership website. The showing is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. on October 30th.
Finally, when it comes to actually trick-or-treating around your neighborhood on Halloween, city officials are recommending you do it between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m.
[Source: City of Henderson]

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