Chandler House With Christmas Lights Up Has a Very Special Story to Share, Kindness
This is a great reminder to always be kind, you have no idea what others are going through. One tri-State family is spreading the Christmas cheer a little early this year, for a very special reason.
Typically this time of year Christmas lights aren't up yet. Right now it's usually pumpkins & hay bales. However one Chandler family started the Christmas season a little early, after their mom's cancer diagnosis.
Terra Nord on Facebook recently shared the story of a dear friend of hers who is battling breast cancer, she recently received the most devastating news, after undergoing a double mastectomy, the cancer has spread and chemo is no longer working for her. Her favorite season is Christmas, so her niece and friends got together while she was walking in Race for the Cure, and surprised her by making Christmas come to Chandler a little early this year.
The reason Terra shared her friends story is because people can be so quick to judge. In fact someone driving by hurled insults at the family because "it's only September!!" (this happened yesterday, September 30th). Terra just wanted to remind others, that you have no idea what someone is going through. This little act of kindness, was to bring Christmas cheer to life of someone who is going through a battle many of us, can't even imagine. So what do a few Christmas lights to make someone happy hurt?
Here's what Terra's post said:
FACEBOOK friends PLEASE PLEASE SHARE this... this house belongs to some very good friends of mine... YES it IS decorated for CHRISTMAS, YES we fully understand it is ONLY SEPTEMBER.... and YES tonight they have already had one person drive by and yell nastiness at them because IT IS ONLY SEPTEMBER... What everyone NEEDS to know evidently, even though is none of their business ... See that lady in the pictures with the PINK RACE FOR THE CURE shirt on and the huge smile on her face??? She just received he worst news a few days ago... she has had a Double mastectomy and has Metastatic Breast cancer, it has spread to her skeletal system, her lungs, and her liver. The Doctors have taken her off her Chemo meds as they are no longer working.. her FAVORITE Holiday is Christmas and her niece along with a few friends joined together today while she attended the Race for the Cure and we decorated her house so she will be able to enjoy it while she still can. SO if you share this with others JUST MAYBE they may think before they open their mouths and hurt someone's feelings... You never know what a person is going through in the life... I mean just look at the smile on her face as she got out of the car, and sat at her front door. All everyone ever needs to do is love one another, and quit being so hateful and quick to judge! I realize people might think it is crazy if they don't know the whole story.. but no reason to be just plain UGLY
My heart goes out to this family, I am sending so much love and hope their way. And thanks for the smiles, because even in September, if I saw a house all decked out in Christmas lights, It would definitely make me smile!
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