Boonville Seniors Make Class of 2020 Tribute Video That ALL Seniors Need To See
A couple of seniors from Boonville High School made a tribute video for the Class of 2020 that I think EVERY senior in the Tri-State needs too see. Get the tissues ready!
The Class of 2020 weren't able to finish their senior year like others in the past. They don't get to finish their last year of sports, go to prom, some won't even get a graduation ceremony as a result of COVID-19. My heart goes out to them. These are things that we may have taken for granted and we might not have realized how important they were until now.
Brandon Walls and his friend Mason Johns, both seniors at Boonville High School, created a video for senors struggling with not being able to finish their senior year they way that they would have hoped. This video is very well shot and written. I got the chance to talk to Brandon about how this video came about and what all went into creating it. This is what he said:
We brainstormed the idea for a while then got to work. I started getting footage with my drone and collecting photos/clips of seniors. I spent roughly 48 hours filming, collecting photos and editing. It was really important to us to try and show all groups at our school as equally as possible .While I was making the video Mason got to work on writing out what he wanted to say. We spent hours on the phone with each other talking about the video and exactly how we wanted to do it and during one of those calls we came up with the idea of getting more students and teachers involved in the video. So I started Sending emails asking teachers to send a video of them giving a message to the seniors. One of the teachers that really helped out in this process was Mrs. Mayes. She went above and beyond and really helped out with getting audio from teachers. Mrs. Ransom filmed inside of the school for me since I wasn't able to go in. Finally after 7 more hours of working on it last night everything was completed and it was time to send it out. So far we have gotten a lot of positive feedback from the community and I’m proud of what Myself, Mason, the teaching staff, and the student body was able to produce. #pioneerstrong
I encourage you to watch this video in its entirety and sharing it with those seniors that you have in your life. Very well done, Mason and Brandon. You guys should be more than proud of this video and the impact it will have on not just the Class of 2020 at Boonville High School, but the Class of 2020 in the Tri-State.
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