The 27 Best Pizza Places in Indiana and Kentucky
I recently learned this week (January 10th through 17th, 2021) is National Pizza Week, Apparently it starts on the second Sunday of January every year. I don't know who decided that, nor do I know why they would have made it at the beginning of the year when a majority of people (not me) has likely made a resolution to eat healthier. Sounds to me like its an attempt by big pizza to boost sales during what could potentially be a downturn in sales, but what do I know?
Before I go getting myself in trouble with big pizza and get run off the road by a mysterious delivery person who knocks me unconscious, stuffs my body in a oven bag, and tosses it into the Ohio River because I figured them out, let me be clear by saying I love pizza. I don't need a special reason to eat it. With that said, it does provide a good reminder that outside of the national chains we have in the Tri-State, we have a ton of local, homegrown pizzeria's cranking out amazing pies. I asked my friends on Facebook to tell me their favorite place to get a pizza, and as you can imagine, the responses came in hot and fast, just like the pizzas from their favorite restaurant.