Does This Video Show An Angel Emerging Out Of A Life Flight Helicopter?
The mystery of heaven and angels has always intrigued me. I have read many books involving near-death experiences and encounters with angels. I believe I encountered an angel once and it's a moment I will never forget.
But, before I tell you my story, take a look at this truly amazing video taken as a life flight helicopter was taking off. Some say it looks like dust swirling about from the helicopter blades. Others, like me, see an angel. What do you see?
I don't know the back story to this video or if the patient survived. But, if it was a guardian angel or the patient's soul leaving the helicopter, it is an amazing visual. Who knows, maybe it IS dust that was used to form the shape of an angel.
I received an email with a possible explanation for the image in the video from B. Bell -
Leslie posted a video of a helicopter with a supposed angel flying out of it. I just wanted to let you all know that it was simply the Turbo Blow Off Valve releasing from the Helicopter.
Now for my story if an unusual encounter. During a visit to visit my brother in California, I took my daughter, niece, and nephew to Malibu Beach for the day. The kids always liked to walk down the beach to the fence that separates the celebrities' houses and beachfront from the non-celebrities. I stayed with our stuff and looked out over the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
I'm not sure how long I was sitting there, but it seemed like a long time. My thoughts were everywhere because my life was in turmoil. My husband and I were having problems that weren't going to be able to be resolved. I really didn't know what I was going to do when I got home to Indiana.
It was as if the blue-green ocean water had me in a trance when I heard a voice come from over my back right shoulder. It was a woman's voice. She said that it looked like I was in deep thought. I turned to look at her and I saw a much older woman in a white, one-piece bathing suit and a light-colored mesh cover. She had long grey hair all pulled over to one side and flowing over her shoulder onto her chest. The woman was seated in a small fabric- fold-up chair and had a pastel-colored beach bag sitting beside her on the sand. I couldn't see her face because she was wearing a big floppy, straw sun hat. She didn't look up at me when she spoke.
I didn't respond to her comment about my thoughts, instead, I turned back toward the water. She then said You know what you need to do. I quickly turned to look at her and she had vanished. I stood up and looked back towards the parking area and she wasn't anywhere to be seen. It's like she disappeared. I looked at the sand and there were no footprints or imprints of her chair or bag in the sand where she sat just moments before.
On the plane home and after I arrived, I couldn't get her out of my mind. The more I thought about her, the more I felt like she was an angel sent to help guide me through a very difficult time. Maybe, if I'm really thinking way out there, she was my older self, sent to help me make the decision I needed to make. She may have been a real person who was wise, a little shy, light as a feather, and moves like a ninja. LOL
Whichever she was, she gave me the strength I needed to move into a new and wonderful chapter of my life and I will be forever grateful.
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