If you own a smartphone and have the BLUETOOTH feature enabled, all of your messages and alerts could be going to someone ELSE'S smartwatch! Many people have bluetooth compatible devices like earpieces, speakers, and smartwatches connected to their phones for wireless convenience, but sometimes knowing the correct name of YOUR device, you could be giving all of your incoming texts, alerts, and even control of your camera and other media devices to someone else.

I came across this issue when my wife said her smartphone kept disconnecting from her smartwatch. While trying to reconnect her devices, I accidentally paired MY smartwatch to HER phone. After realizing the mistake I 'un-paired' the devices and correctly paired her devices together.

Earlier today, our Digital Director Ashley said she had been receiving text messages to her smartwatch that OBVIOUSLY were meant for someone else! I immediate checked my phone to make sure is wasn't me but I was pretty sure it wasn't! Apparently someone had paired their phone to HER smartphone!

To make sure YOUR phone is letting all your text messages go to someone else, check the "PAIRED DEVICES" under your "BLUETOOTH" settings and make sure that ANY devices that are 'PAIRED' are actually YOUR devices. If not, either select 'UN-PAIR' next to any device same that you don't recognize or simply turn BLUETOOTH 'OFF' if you don't have any devices to connect!

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