5 Things to Avoid Buying on Black Friday
Time to get your shopping lists ready for Black Thursday - Black Friday! But before we hit the malls, shops and discount stores there's a few items the experts say it would be a good idea to wait to buy.
1) Toys
Believe it or not prices for toys will go even lower the two weeks before Christmas than what you see on Black Friday. So unless its one of those Santa-better-have-this-or-else toys, hold off until the last minute.
2) Brand Name HDTVs
Although Black Friday is a great day to get a low price on a big screen HDTV, the majority of price-cuts are on off-brand models. The brand name HDTVs usually slash their prices in February, March and April (yup, right after the Super Bowl) to get ready for the new models that come out in the spring.
3) Game Consoles Without Bundles
We can't say this enough - do not buy a game console that does not include games, controllers, etc. Should we say it again? Ok - do not buy a game console that does not include games, controllers, etc. Especially on Black Friday. Why? You're ripping yourself off, that's why. Game consoles sold with extras are 30-40% off the retail prices. Save yourself money. One more time for the cheap seats in the back - do not buy a game console that does not include games, controllers, etc.!
4) The Latest Digital Camera
Like HDTVs, digital cameras are just a few months shy of being replaced by brand new models. Its better to wait a few months and save even more money when the 2012 models are priced to move so that the new 2013 models can come in.
5) Christmas Decorations
It is inevitable those shiny Christmas decorations will end up on the end-cap of an aisle and you'll be tempted to buy their beauty. Don't do it! Those pretties are marked up at full price! The best time to save money on Christmas decorations is the day after Christmas. Resist the temptation!!! Do we really need another Christmas Lights Gone Wild?
Ok, maybe we do, but that's not the point! Savvy Black Friday shoppers know to shop prices before the sales, that's how they save all that money each year. If you do your shopping homework you too can save a bundle this holiday season just like the pros.
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