
Police Are Cracking Down
Police Are Cracking Down
Police Are Cracking Down
If you’re going to play on the water in Indiana, you had better stay dry. As part of a national campaign to raise awareness of the dangers surrounding boating under the influence of drugs and alcohol, Indiana conservation officers will be beefing up patrols across Indiana waterways this summer.
Jake Owen Arrested Then Apologized For Twitter Comments
Jake Owen Arrested Then Apologized For Twitter Comments
Jake Owen Arrested Then Apologized For Twitter Comments
 Jake Owen was arrested late Saturday night (May 5.) He shared a photo of himself cuffed and next to a cop car — mere hours after he was tossing back a beer with a buddy, happily and heartily celebrating Cinco de Mayo. What started out as a night out in his hometown of Vero Beach, Fla. on Cinco de Mayo — which ultimately ended with him being cuffed and detained by police — Jake Owen took to Twitte
Toddler Served Alcohol Instead Of Apple Juice
Toddler Served Alcohol Instead Of Apple Juice
Toddler Served Alcohol Instead Of Apple Juice
The parents of a 15-month-old baby were a little confused when their child began talking to the walls at a Michigan Applebee's over the weekend. After further inspection, they discovered their child's innocent-looking sippy cup had been filled with a margarita instead of the apple juice they ordered.