Taylor Swift has made a very nice career singing about the different stages of her life so far and her new song '22' is another great example of that. Swift is growing up through her music right before our very eyes and as fun as she makes being 22 sound in the song and in the video, the reality of being 22 is really very different as Conan O'Brien so eloquently points out. O'Brien, obviously annoyed by the cutesy, fun-loving lyrics in Swift's song decided to post a YouTube response to Swift's '22' video as only he can do in a way that is very funny, but kinda dark and creepy at the same time.

O'Brien starts by taking issue with the apartment used for the video saying, "When you're 22, you're not living in that apartment, alright?" and goes on to describe a much more realistic and crappy apartment, obviously speaking from experience.

My favorite part is when O'Brien points out the lack of Ramen Noodles in Swift's video because when you're 22, that's all you're eating because you can't afford anything else...love it and so true. I still cannot eat Ramen Noodles today or Hamburger Helper, for that matter, just because that's all I ate at that age.

O'Brien goes into much greater detail about life at 22 and kinda paints a sad, pathetic picture, where he is obviously drawing on his own personal experience at that time.

I would like to add that certainly not everybody's experience at 22 was the same as O'Brien's, but by the same token, most 22 year-olds don't have anywhere near the life Taylor Swift does at 22. The reality is actually somewhere in the middle for most of us, but O'Brien's response is pretty creative nonetheless. See Taylor Swift's '22' video below.


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