10 Weird Titles That Beloved Movies Almost Used
A title is an incredibly important element of a movie. A good title can cement a film’s place in pop culture history, even entering the lexicon of the English language. Even before a person has seen a movie, its title can give them a clue as to what to expect. There are a lot of ways a title can go — it can be literal, or more abstract. Think about some of your favorite movies. They probably have some pretty good titles, if not great ones. The fact of the matter is, some of the most famous movies of all time most likely wouldn’t have been as successful if they had a drastically different title.
Sometimes a film starts as a script that has a different title. Other times, a movie will change its title mid-production, only to switch it again once it’s finished. There are a few cases where a movie’s test screening reception has influenced what the movie ends up being called. Test audiences’ opinions matter — once a studio has spent millions of dollars on a movie, they want to make sure the title doesn’t drive people away.
Believe it or not, there are several beloved films that were almost named something else entirely. Honestly, some of the titles are pretty weird — we’re glad that they were abandoned in lieu of these films’ real names. Could you imagine if The Breakfast Club was called The Lunch Bunch? We have a feeling it wouldn’t nearly be as popular.
Here are 10 bizarre titles that these famous movies almost used.
10 Weird Titles That Beloved Movies Almost Used

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