Watch Kentucky Boy Foot Race a Car and Instead Run Into One That’s Parked – Funny Video
We are so incredibly distracted these days that simply walking or running down the street can be hazardous to our health. And, driving, OMG. That's a whole other article.
Stop it, BTW. Stop texting and/or reading a text while driving. Are you insane? Ok, enough, expect an article about this very soon.

Anyway, I found this video on Rumble and it reminded me of my youngest son, Hayden, when he was a little boy. He was constantly stubbing his toe, falling down, and running into things. He was so fast, it would happen in fast motion, and then everything would slow down until he would pop up and you heard him yell, I'm ok!
I could totally see him doing this exact thing when he was young, playing sports, and hyped up on caffeine and sugar.
His parents described what happened in the video like this,
We were at his brother's football game, and he had too much Kona ice. Got hopped up on sugar and said he could outrun the car on the way home. So I let him out to race and he thought he was winning. Till he hit the car.
Luckily, the little boy was uninjured. I'm sure the whole family laughed about it. You know the incident will now be a story they always tell, in the future, when they get together.
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