It's summertime and the kids are home and looking for things to do. Maybe the kids are outside playing and creating or maybe they are indoors playing video games. According to a recent study by Newzoo, video gamers are playing 215 million hours of video games each day in the U.S. The study also reveals that video game spending for 2011 will reach $21.6 billion which is actually lower than in 2010. It is estimated that more than 145 million people in the U.S. will spend money on video gaming in 2011 and that number equals one half of the entire population. Most of the money will be spent on console gaming which could top $8 billion in console gaming alone. PC and MAC gaming will earn about $4.3 billion through retail and digital downloading. If you are a casual gamer or game on your favorite social network, you are helping to spend an estimated $4.6 billion and mobile gaming will see approximately $2.1 billion spent this year in those platforms. Unemployed and looking for a new career? There is huge money to be made in selling video gaming products.

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