Tri-State Winery Producing and Selling Hand Sanitizer to Help Meet Demand
It seems like right now it's next to impossible to find hand sanitizer anywhere, so Monkey Hollow is helping to bridge that gap. Monkey Hollow winery announced in March that they were going to start producing hand sanitizer. Previously they were not able to make the hand sanitizer due to federal regulations, however those regulations had been lifted so those with distillery equipment could start making hand sanitizer to help meet public need. Monkey Hollow is now making and selling hand sanitizer, and at 80% ethyl alcohol, it'll get the job done!
The sanitizer is being sold for $10.50 for 8oz bottles, and you can purchase up to 2. The winery will hold the bottle/bottles of hand sanitizer for you, and they will be available for pickup during regular business hours. The hand sanitizer has been selling fast, so be sure to follow Monkey Hollow on Facebook as that's where they keep everyone updated about hand sanitizer being in stock.

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