The Kristy Kelley Mysterious Tragedy Remembered
It's hard to believe that it has been three years since the little town of Boonville made national news with the disappearance and death of Kristy Kelley. Everyone going to Studio Bee to meet for search parties, to seeing my own friends on Facebook sharing updates and asking for any and all help with finding Kristy. I remember it all like it was yesterday.
While I personally didn't know Kristy Kelley, I knew some of her friends. As someone who has also experienced the loss of a good friend at a young age, I could relate to what they were going through, but at the same time I couldn't. It's hard to imagine how anyone could have felt not knowing what happened, where she was, and all of the other questions that went through their head from the day she went missing to a month later when her body was found.
To this day, the whole case is still quite a mystery. It still leads to many questions, even from those closest to her.
The IndyStar recently met with Kristy's family and friends to talk about the events that took place, and why it still doesn't quite add up. It's a very interesting read. You can find the full article below.
My heart still hurts for those who knew Kristy. Such a terrible and unimaginable thing to go through. It's something that shook the whole community. My only hope is that one day, some how, you get the answers that you are looking for.
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