
Top Ten Rejected Ideas For Roberts Stadium
Top Ten Rejected Ideas For Roberts Stadium
Top Ten Rejected Ideas For Roberts Stadium
This week Evansville Mayor, Lloyd Winnecke's task force looked over 600 different suggestions for the use of Roberts Stadium.  They are now in the process of taking the public input and helping the mayor decide the fate of the building and the grounds it occupies.  Now, from the home office in Nebo,'s the Top 10 Rejected Ideas for Roberts Stadium!
You Know You’re From Evansville When…
You Know You’re From Evansville When…
You Know You’re From Evansville When…
From a couple guys that are at complete opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to living here, we bring you a list that hopefully makes you smile.  Eric Cornish, moved to the area 3 years ago and actually lives in Henderson.  Baby Boy was born and raised here as a product of Reitz High School and now a student at USI.  There are things we agree on, so enjoy these observations of things that m