If retirement is in your near future, it might be a great idea to look at new places to reside. Need a change of pace or scenery? Here's why Illinois might be the best state to settle in.
If you HAVE to retire in the Land of Lincoln instead of Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, or Texas, ( and that's a big IF...) experts say you should check out these two small towns in West Central Illinois as retirement options. Here are the details...
The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.8 years, with women generally having a longer life expectancy than men. But in which states do people live the longest?
The Denver Broncos had their chance to honor the great Peyton Manning yesterday during a press conference to announce his retirement. Now it's the Indianapolis Colts turn.
The space program is all but over and the space shuttle program has ended. Space Shuttle Discovery made it's final voyage yesterday around Washington D.C. on the back of a NASA 747 headed for retirement at the Smithsonian. Throngs pf people watched Discovery say goodbye as it made it's way from Cape Canaveral, Florida to Dulles International Airport.
The economy is struggling and retirement plans aren't what they used to be if you even have a plan anymore. Finding a job is getting harder and harder. The folks at T. Rowe Price recently did a survey of 860 adults between the ages of 21 and 50 and the results were surprising.