Everything has gone up in recent years, but just how much would you have to earn per hour to actually be able to afford rent in Indiana? The answer might shock you!
Do you ever daydream about discovering that someone somewhere left you an inheritance that you have yet to learn about? That is a reality for many in Illinois as the state has confirmed that it has a staggering $5 billion dollars in unclaimed property.
You'll almost certainly never see dessert served like this anywhere else. What has been ranked as the most expensive restaurant in Illinois will sometimes explode dessert on your table and that's where you eat it from.
I'll say from the start that I know this part of Illinois and I think the term "poor" is subjective and the very few people that live there would not consider themselves that. However, going purely by data, it is the poorest town in Illinois with only 32 people that call it home.
Wealth is very much a subjective thing. What one person might consider a pittance would feel like a fortune to someone else. How much do people think (key word) they need to live comfortably in Illinois? The numbers are ridiculous.
I want to be clear that I love the people of Kentucky and I don't want anyone there to misunderstand what I'm about to share. But, the poorest county in Illinois based on new data really should just be a part of Kentucky. I'll explain why.
With the rising cost of goods and services including groceries, rent, and utilities, there has been a lot of talk about "living wages," but how much exactly is a livable wage here in Indiana?