
Make a Fresh Delicious McDonald’s Big Mac in Your Home Kitchen [Video]
Make a Fresh Delicious McDonald’s Big Mac in Your Home Kitchen [Video]
Make a Fresh Delicious McDonald’s Big Mac in Your Home Kitchen [Video]
McDonald's Canada launched a PR campaign a while back to show that their secrets are really not that secret at all. Recently, I posted a video showing how McDonald's photographs their food because people were asking why the pictures of the burgers for instance, were so different than the one they bought and the video was very interesting...
Man Turns Entire Kitchen Into A Synthesizer For Some Awesome Kitchen Music [Video]
Man Turns Entire Kitchen Into A Synthesizer For Some Awesome Kitchen Music [Video]
Man Turns Entire Kitchen Into A Synthesizer For Some Awesome Kitchen Music [Video]
My kids were complaining the other day in our Downtown condo about how bored they were because it was too cold to go outside. Little did I know that the answer to their boredom was right in our kitchen, literally. Who would have guessed that the appliances, coffee cups, silverware and cereal bowls could become a musical extravaganza.