We had a deliciously, GREAT time this morning judging a dessert contest with the Girl Scouts of Southwestern Indiana. Director of Communications Stacey Godbold came into the studio barring three, Girl Scout cookie inspired, incredible desserts. It was all a part of promoting 'National Girl Scouts Day.' Along with visiting several radio stations, Stacey has also planned a... (well we aren't suppose
Girl Scout Cookie time is here again, and soon I'll be tearing into countless boxes of Thin Mints and Tagalongs (that's right, Tagalongs! I'm from Kentucky where we don't call them Peanut Butter Patties). I can go back in my memory banks and find some yummy types of Girl Scout Cookies that have since disappeared that we should have back.
Today I was greeted in the studio with a surprise visit from Stacy Carr and Cheryl Voight of Girl Scouts of Southwest Indiana. They brought me the entire selection of Girl Scout Cookies for 2012 and even brought a treat to wash it down.