I have a major announcement to make on this week's Enhancement Talent invloving the future of the show. We also take a look into the future to the matches that may take place at Wrestlemania 32 in Dallas next year!
A lot of serious wrestling news has been out this week, including the arrest of a WWE Hall of Famer, another Hall of Famer apologizes, plus a shooting, and a swastika, all on today's Enhancement Talent.
Watch today's episode as The Rob and I remember our favorite cameos by superstars on other TV shows. Watch the entire video to get your keyword to win 6 months of WWE Network!
Watch today's episode as I take it to the legendary Evansville Coliseum to interview Johnny Richards about one of the big changes in Evansville's wrestling scene! Watch the entire video to get your keyword to win 6 months of WWE Network!
Watch today's episode as The Rob and Eric make their predictions for WWE's Summerslam. Also, watch for the keyword that could win you 6 months of WWE Network!
Watch today's episode to lean The Rob and Eric's favorite all-time Summerslam moments. Also, watch for the keyword that could win you 6 months of WWE Network!
Now that WWE's low man on the totum pole, Brad Maddox has been re-pacakged, we visit other stars that should either be pushed, re-packaged, or released. Also, watch for the keyword that could win you 6 months of WWE Network!
After Roman Reigns got cracked in the head with a briefcase last week, today, The Rob discuss the good and bad (but mostly bad) when it comes to fans running in during wrestling shows.
Today, The Rob discuss the hottest topic in wrestling and pop culture, Hulk Hogan and his racist comments that have gotten him erased from WWE this week.