
Guilty Dog Gets Caught Red Handed! [VIDEO]
Guilty Dog Gets Caught Red Handed! [VIDEO]
Guilty Dog Gets Caught Red Handed! [VIDEO]
Dogs are funny creatures, aren't they?  One minute you're thinking "what would I do without you?" and the very next they are getting into the trash.  Yesterday I came home to a huge mess in my kitchen! But I figured out who the culprit was immediately.
If Your Dog and a Stranger Were About to Be Hit By a Bus, Who Would You Save?
If Your Dog and a Stranger Were About to Be Hit By a Bus, Who Would You Save?
If Your Dog and a Stranger Were About to Be Hit By a Bus, Who Would You Save?
The title is an interesting question and according to a new study, 40-percent of people would save their dog before the stranger. That number jumps to 46-percent for women. It seems like our empathy and compassion for each other is at an all-time low in today's world. What does that say about us and our society, that a human life is less valuable than that of an animal or pet?
Watch Awesome Dog Perform Amazing Tricks
Watch Awesome Dog Perform Amazing Tricks
Watch Awesome Dog Perform Amazing Tricks
We all love our dogs and everybody has at least one amazing story about their dog. Dog videos are great and there have been some pretty incredible ones on YouTube. The below video features a dog doing some pretty amazing tricks that are in no way typical.
Guy Invents a Device That Will Open the Door with a Dog’s Bark
Guy Invents a Device That Will Open the Door with a Dog’s Bark
Guy Invents a Device That Will Open the Door with a Dog’s Bark
This video is awesome! How many times has the dog wanted to go out and the last thing you want to do is get up to let him out? Well, those days are gone forever if this invention hits the open market. What if you're not there or somewhat indisposed and just can't get to the door, but the dog has got to go...what to do?
Dog Cries On Owner’s Grave Stone
Dog Cries On Owner’s Grave Stone
Dog Cries On Owner’s Grave Stone
This may be one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen even though it is only 10-seconds long. Earlier this week I posted a video about a pug showing genuine human regret, which was funny. This video is the exact opposite, but a very strong reminder about the bond between pets and their owners.
Video of a Dog Eating Peanut Butter Like a Person Is Hilarious
Video of a Dog Eating Peanut Butter Like a Person Is Hilarious
Video of a Dog Eating Peanut Butter Like a Person Is Hilarious
Sometimes you just need a jumpstart to your weekend with good laugh. Videos of little kids and dogs are the best and certainly the funniest. The video featured below has been done before, but this is very well done and looks so real. Have you ever watched a dog eat peanut butter?

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