
Fake Raptor Dinosaur Prank Is One of the Best Ever
Fake Raptor Dinosaur Prank Is One of the Best Ever
Fake Raptor Dinosaur Prank Is One of the Best Ever
Anyone who knows me is well aware of my undying love of pranks and this might be one of the best. This prank was pulled off in Japan and basically involves a prankster in a great, very realistic raptor costume that scares the pants off a man going to his office.
Dinosaur Terrifies School Kids
Dinosaur Terrifies School Kids
Dinosaur Terrifies School Kids
One of the first things a youngster learns about dinosaurs is that they have long been extinct. On a certain level, these Australian school children have internalized that lesson. However, when the life-like prehistoric beast starts to roar in this video (after the jump), some of them no longer seem so sure. In defense of the scaredy cats, that's a pretty impressive movie-quality dinosaur suit the